Monday, January 5, 2009

Go Cart Racing..

My friend Shane's brother got "blown up" in Iraq 2 years ago.. and I say blown up because that's what he always says and well he technically did get blown up but he is still alive. So for the past 2 years he has been at Walter Reed having surgery after surgery to be put back together. It's like a real life Humpty Dumpty story. To date he has had 84 surgeries and he is just waiting to hear if he will be losing his leg or if he'll only have a couple more surgeries. He is really hoping to be home at some point this year. So Shane came out to visit him over Christmas and my friend Sylvia and I went up to see them the other day. We had a blast.. I love Shane he is the funniest kid ever and we had such a great time. Travis' wife and little girl stayed home and Shane, Travis, Sylvia and I went to lunch and then went to race Go Carts.. It was so much fun..

We got these super sweet suits to wear and helmets and it was such a blast.. I'm just kind of the odd girl out because they have suits in all different colors but they go by size so I had to be different.. it's cool though cuz blue is way cooler.. It's an indoor track here in Virginia and they go so fast.. I'm so happy that I got to see him.

Travis, Shane, Me and Sylvia..


Rachel said...

Look at you, all cute in your racing duds! You are so beautiful! Looks like tons of fun. And I love all your pics--you really do look so great.

Tyson and Shelise said...

That looks so fun, I havent seen shane in so long, you will have to tell him I said hello!

Anonymous said...

suddy duddy