Monday, December 3, 2007
Black Friday!!
Posted by Jewels Rules at 8:11 AM 5 comments
Hiking the Devil's Staircase..
we went hiking again this time to a place called the Devil's Staircase.. It wasn't quite as exciting as the last hike we went on but it was still a lot of fun..
This is my friend Ashley, she's the cutest thing ever..
Me and Cameron scaling the side of a cliff..
Posted by Jewels Rules at 7:53 AM 2 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Waiting For Plans to Print..
So I don't know how many of you know this but I recently started working at Kenny's office during the days that Cameron goes to school all day and well the other day while I was there I was printing out about a bazillion plans and I got bored waiting for them so this is what I did.. he he..
and that's my hardcore frenchbraiding skills I know your jealous right.. I haven't done a frenchbraid in years so this is how it turned out.. plus it was going sideways so it was hard.. ok enough with my excuses I realize it's bad..
Posted by Jewels Rules at 4:38 AM 4 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Film Festival..
Welcome to the red carpet..
We made movies for a large single adult activity and then had a red carpet film festival to watch them all.. It was so much fun to get all dressed up and go..
There weren't a whole lot of people dressed up but we were and we had a blast..
Us Strutting our stuff down the red Carpet.
we danced and partied and just had tons of fun..
Lots and lots of fun.. well I did anyway for sure.. this is just on the way..
Me and Marvs getting down on the dance floor..
Posted by Jewels Rules at 4:58 PM 4 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
Friend Pictures..
My friend Hoduh moved back home and well I am really sad about this, but before she left her, me and naboo went and took a bunch of friend pictures.. they are really fun I think and kind of crazy..
Hoduh helping me climb up.. Thanks Hoduh!!
We had a rough time getting this picture to work out just right..
But no worries we got it finally and how cute is that..
Cute friends.. We had so much fun together and now she's off to get married which is totally awesome and amazing and I am so happy for her but dang her I miss her..
just a few silly pictures you know three girls, we're bound to get a little silly..
Posted by Jewels Rules at 6:36 AM 3 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I got TaGgEd..
So Kelli tagged me so I suppose this means I let you all know 6 things about me.. I think that is how this works anyway.. So here it goes..
HMMM... 6 things about me
1. I love doing dishes.. not all my life have I but with the past few years it is one of my favorite chores to do and I don't even consider it a chore.. I even have a specific way to load the dishwasher and it makes me very upset when people mess it up..
2. I have a serious shopping problem that I am trying so hard to control.. and really it is just stupid things that I buy like when I get bored I go to random stores and just find things to buy which is so not good at all..
3. I am more grateful for the church and the gospel in my life, living and being where I am right now in my life than I ever was before and I can't imagine my life without it.. It has been a major life savor and I love the people, my friends and family who are so strong in it and such great examples and my amazing bishop who has helped me so much..
4. I rarely get dressed up for anything.. I am a complete slacker when it comes to getting all prettied up, but I love Sundays because I am required to look nice and I love dressing up I just never do it because I never really have a reason to do it.. plus I am not that good at the whole hair and make up thing ya know..
5. I love running and exercising but I hate doing it by myself so I have been slacking majorly lately cuz I have no one to go with me so I am not that intrigued in doing it but I love to run.. It makes me so happy and it is a great stress reliever and regardless to what people think 21 year olds have stress just like anyone else..
6. I love seeing my family and friends.. I can't wait to go home for the holidays so I can see my family and friends and I also love just hanging out and doing nothing it is one of my favorite things to do in the whole world..
Ok so I am not sure who I am going to tag so I will just let you figure that out once I tag you so good luck..
Posted by Jewels Rules at 10:30 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I went to the bank this morning and I got this note back. I had actually got this same note a couple months ago from a store and I thought I'd share because it is an amazing message.
"Just for today
Be Kind, Cheerful, Agreeable, Responsive, Caring and Understanding
Be your Best, Talk Softly, Look for the Bright Side of Things.
Praise People for What They do and Don't Criticize them for What They Cannot do.
If Someone does Something Stupid, Forgive and Forget.
After all, It's just for One Day.
Who Knows, It might Turn out to be a Nice Day."
Posted by Jewels Rules at 9:05 AM 2 comments
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Relief Society Slumber Party..
Last Night our Relief Society had a slumber party and we had tons of fun.. We did a sort of ropes course thing that was meant to be like holding to the Iron Rod and it was way fun.. Then we sang Karaoke which went on pretty much the rest of the evening but it was lots of fun as well as you can see we had tons of fun.
Megs singin her song
Me and Marva rockin out to Pink's-Family Portrait.. Oh we were bad but ya know I think that Karaoke isn't meant to be good it is meant to be silly and just bad.. So I think we won the show.. Cat doin her thing..
Lovely ladies just hangin out..
Posted by Jewels Rules at 12:59 PM 3 comments