Friday, November 23, 2007

Waiting For Plans to Print..

So I don't know how many of you know this but I recently started working at Kenny's office during the days that Cameron goes to school all day and well the other day while I was there I was printing out about a bazillion plans and I got bored waiting for them so this is what I did.. he he..

and that's my hardcore frenchbraiding skills I know your jealous right.. I haven't done a frenchbraid in years so this is how it turned out.. plus it was going sideways so it was hard.. ok enough with my excuses I realize it's bad..


young family said...

You are funny, I like your braid. Sounds like an exciting job :)

young family said...

Exscuses,exscuses,exscuses!!!! It's not that bad! Sounds like a cool job!;)

happy mom said...

so what do you do? what is his company?

french braids, remember how I used to make you let me do those on you guys all the time!

Now I have to work some new skills in for amandas hair and forget about my own! and then I will hopefully get out my old french braid skills for Josie someday

Kristi said...

you have to be one of the funniest girls! Way to go making something boring into fun.