Saturday, November 10, 2007

I got TaGgEd..

So Kelli tagged me so I suppose this means I let you all know 6 things about me.. I think that is how this works anyway.. So here it goes..
HMMM... 6 things about me

1. I love doing dishes.. not all my life have I but with the past few years it is one of my favorite chores to do and I don't even consider it a chore.. I even have a specific way to load the dishwasher and it makes me very upset when people mess it up..

2. I have a serious shopping problem that I am trying so hard to control.. and really it is just stupid things that I buy like when I get bored I go to random stores and just find things to buy which is so not good at all..

3. I am more grateful for the church and the gospel in my life, living and being where I am right now in my life than I ever was before and I can't imagine my life without it.. It has been a major life savor and I love the people, my friends and family who are so strong in it and such great examples and my amazing bishop who has helped me so much..

4. I rarely get dressed up for anything.. I am a complete slacker when it comes to getting all prettied up, but I love Sundays because I am required to look nice and I love dressing up I just never do it because I never really have a reason to do it.. plus I am not that good at the whole hair and make up thing ya know..

5. I love running and exercising but I hate doing it by myself so I have been slacking majorly lately cuz I have no one to go with me so I am not that intrigued in doing it but I love to run.. It makes me so happy and it is a great stress reliever and regardless to what people think 21 year olds have stress just like anyone else..

6. I love seeing my family and friends.. I can't wait to go home for the holidays so I can see my family and friends and I also love just hanging out and doing nothing it is one of my favorite things to do in the whole world..

Ok so I am not sure who I am going to tag so I will just let you figure that out once I tag you so good luck..


young family said...

I hear you on the excercise buddies. When my buddies don't excercise neither do I. I like having some one to talk to. I am glad you are working on your shopping thing:) That one would be hard to kick. I like washing dishes too, as long as they aren't caked on yucky. Thanks for sharing.