Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm leaving the East Coast!!

Well actually many of you probably are already aware of this but I have decided to move back out west. This is probably the easiest yet the hardest decision I have ever made. When I first moved out here I never thought I would end up staying as long as I have but once I got here everything just fit and I fell in love with this place and the people here. I actually had never really planned to move back out there at least for a little while but my last trip home sealed the deal and made my mind up for me or should I say three little kids made the decision for me. Those little kids are Lance, Luke and Kate. I have missed so much of their lives by living this far away and it just really hit me hard last time I was there so I decided I didn't want to miss anymore so when I got back I told Stacie and Kenny that I was moving and I must say it was a shock to everyone, including me. Being the stubborn one that I am though I was trying to move closer but avoid being back in Utah. I first settled on Portland, Oregon and then Kenny told me that I needed to check the unemployment rate for the place I planned to go and turns out Oregon is like the second highest in unemployment so that squashed that idea. Next I decided on Denver, Colorado and Melinda thought about moving with me and then she decided not to and really all of these places are great but I realized none of them were close enough for the sole reasons for moving back out west so I am not returning to Salt Lake City, Utah.. This has been an extremely hard decision and I have prayed more than I have about any other decision and I truly believe it is the best choice for me at this point in my life. As sad as it is to leave my friends and especially Stacie, Kenny and Cameron I know that this life of mine out here will continue to be a part of me wherever I am. Stacie and Kenny will always be my extra set of parents and will always be there for me no matter what I do. They will be at all the major things in my life and even the not so major things. Cameron finally gave me the little brother that I always wanted. I loved growing up as the baby but I have loved being the big sister and being the one that he came to when he had a problem and he couldn't go to his parents. It has been amazing being able to watch him grow from this shy, timid little boy into the man he is becoming. I am so proud of how much he has grown and I am happy I got to be a part of it. I love my little brother even if it isn't by blood we have grown very close in these past four years and I am so grateful for the experiences I have had. Recently my friend, Shelise, did a little pros and cons list for there recent move and I would like to copy her and do one for my giant move.
First I'm going to go over the things I will miss the most about Northern Virginia and the East Coast..
-Stacie, Kenny and Cameron
-Mike and Linda Warner
-My ward(I love how small and close it is)
-My friends.. Especially: Melissa, Rachel, Phil, Brittany, Erin, Seth and many many more people..
-The beach(it's so nice to be so close)
-How everything gets so green and the colors in the fall are so vibrant
-How Historic it is out here
-The opportunities
-Chef Fleck
-The very diverse amount of restaurants
-The llamas
-I could go on for days..
Now the things I will not miss about this place..
-Feeding the llamas everyday:)
-The lack of mountains
-Missing out on family things
-People not knowing how to drive in bad weather
-The Ice(which is really cool but its very dangerous)
-The fact that everything shuts down if we get a centimeter of snow

Why I'm excited for moving back out west..
-My family
-My niece and nephews
-The mountains
-The snow
-My friends(most of the friends I have met out here have actually moved out there so it works out nicely)
-I get to start a whole new adventure
What I am not excited for..
-I never wanted to move back to Utah
-Missing my friends and family here

This is one of those bittersweet moments but I am very excited to start this next chapter of my life.


Michael & Nikki said...

Your very stong! I look up to you!! Utah will be good. Make the most out of it.. I hope to see you sometime!! LOVE YOU TWINNER!!

Ms.LMC said...

Um, I don't see my name on here in things you will miss. Offended.