Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sylvia's Birthday!!

Last Wednesday it was my friend Sylvia's Birthday so Erin and I took her to dinner at Olive Garden.. It was lots of fun and we made complete fools of ourselves but it was a blast.. We told them it was her birthday so they told her she could get whatever dessert she wanted but none of us wanted anything so instead they just brought a cup of whipped cream with a candle in it. Whipped cream and us just don't mix. I don't know what it is but I always end up in some sort of food fight..


THE BIG 2-3..

Ya know we're at that age when nothing really big happens and we're just at a stand still but everyone is expecting huge things from us and it's very overwhelming.. So ya know what I say to you Sylvia.. You are 23 have fun do whatever you want and just ignore everyone that expects something from you because even though you're 23 you are only 23..


young family said...

I think I have eaten with you a few times without seeing any flying food :)

Emma said...

Yeah me too! WOW the big 2-3. Cool! I hate whip cream! Unless it's in hot chocolate and mixied in with it really well, I will not eat whip cream.UCK!