Friday, May 1, 2009

Fishing out on the bay..

On Wednesday a bunch of us chartered a boat and went out on the Chesepeake Bay to go fishing. It was such an amazing experience I had so much fun. It was calling for rain all day and while we headed to Maryland it started to rain and we were a little bummed but once we got there it stopped raining and didn't start up again until we were in the car heading home. It turned out to be pretty nice, somewhat chilly but no rain so yay! The water was a little choppy and one might think you(well at least me) were drunk the way I was walking around the boat but it was so much fun. We each could only keep one fish but we got to catch tons and just throw them back. Sylvia got really quite seasick and ended up throwing up most of the trip so that wasn't fun for her but everyone else seemed to be fine.

Linda and I before we got on the boat..

Mike Warner with one of the fish he caught.. I think he was the best part of the trip, everyone was having a good time but the look on his face whenever there was a fish on a line or anything was priceless he was so ecstatic about it all and it was great..

That's my fish, it was so heavy and so long. It was 42 in long and weighed 30 lbs. It was definitely a fighter as well, one of the guys we were with had to hold onto my pants while I was reeling him in because he kept pulling me forward and a couple times I came very close to the back of the boat. It was so much fun though and now my left arm is so sore.

This is my friend CJ reeling in his fish..

This was me catching my first fish it wasn't as big as my second but still a nice size I think it was 38 in.

Brother Peterson is such a nut and he made it so enjoyable because he is just so silly.

Linda catching her fish.

This is the captain. He was such a nice guy and very helpful with everything and well not to bad to look at either..

The only girls that went. It's cool though its more fun with the guys and well were pretty cool chicks so we had a blast other than Sylvia being sick the whole time.

All the fish we got to take home with us..


Emma said...

Those are some pretty big fish! Did you eat them yet? Looks like a lot of fun! I went fishing like that before but we didn't catch anything.

Keri Larson said...

Holy crap, that is a lot of big and horrible tasting fish. looks like you had fun though.