Friday, April 17, 2009

New Knife..

So this starts out as sort of a sad story that is yet to be solved and I very highly doubt it will ever be solved. Last week I lost my knife kit at school. Basically what happened is that I'm pretty sure I forgot to put it in my locker after class and some nice preson decided to steal it rather than turn it in to the lost and found. It amazes me the type of inconsiderate people that are out there. So now I am out a knife kit which I kind of need for school, considering I am at a culinary school. So now I am replenishing a new kit on my own because the price of a new kit from school is just outrageous. So this leads me to my new knife. It is my favorite knife ever. I found it at Target, now its not the most durable knife and it was cheap so I'm sure it won't last long but it'll do for now. It's pink though and how could I pass up a pink knife.


Michael & Nikki said...

I love the pink knife!! I'm sure it will serve you well! haha GOOD LUCK!

young family said...

If it was pink and shiny too, that would be an extra bonus ;)

My friends husband says that girls are like racoons, we like shiny pretty things :) I guess I must be like a racoon because I always like to stop and look at the jewelry and things at the mall ;) I just think it is fuuny, thought you might too.

Sorry your knives were stolen, but we do live in a selfish yucky world. Sad but true. Glad you found a knife you like though!

Jason and Abby said...

Sorry about your knife kit! The new knife looks awesome though!