Monday, November 19, 2007

Film Festival..

Welcome to the red carpet..

We made movies for a large single adult activity and then had a red carpet film festival to watch them all.. It was so much fun to get all dressed up and go..

There weren't a whole lot of people dressed up but we were and we had a blast..

Us Strutting our stuff down the red Carpet.

we danced and partied and just had tons of fun..

Lots and lots of fun.. well I did anyway for sure..

this is just on the way..

Me and Marvs getting down on the dance floor..

and me being a thug what up.. ha ha..


Kristi said...

That looks like so much fun...what a good idea for an activity. You look so cute. Can you go shopping for me?

Kelli said...

You are so beautiful! That looks like a blast!

happy mom said...

Okay are you going to post the movie? Love the dress and the hair, you are gorgeous! How fun. love that they really had red carpet. Then there was a dance after?

young family said...

That is such a great idea, I love the red carpet and you of course look like you belong there. Cute as always.